Folder nextweb_subtheme
The sub-theme folder should be located inside the folder sites/
The sub-theme is based on smu_base theme to have the standardized header and footer.
base theme = smu_base
Features inheritance
The sub-theme needs to follow the smu_base in order to have the SMU site's global header and footer style.
Style sheet inheritance
There are the stylesheets file defined in the parent theme will be inherited. It will maintain the sub-theme to have standardized header, footer and other common pages.
global.css - for site wide gird system.
schools.css - for the common styling ..such as top global slide toggle menu.
feature.css - for the listing pages ...such as news and events listing page
Global Slide Toggle Menu
JavaScript inheritance
Following js files defined in the parent theme will be inherited. It will provide the commonly used jQuery script.
load_top_main_menu.js - script for top global slide toggle menu.
jquery.mobilemenu.js- script for mobile support..such as mobile secondary menu, banner swipe
Logo and favicon inheritance
The SMU logo ( will be inherited as primary logo . Define the favicon path to /sites/all/themes/smu/images/smu_favicon.png in theme setting page.
The SMU logo