Antispam Statistics
As of January 24 2014, 2pm.
As of October 23 2013, 3pm.
Looking at the statistics, 8 of 10 Internet email messages received by SMU are classifed as spam.
How do we fare?
According to the Symantec 2013 Internet Security Threat Report1, Spam volume continued to decrease, with 69% of all email being spam. Hence we seemed to be receiving more spam as compared to the global average percentage.
Intrusion Prevention Statistics
The top 10 blocked traffic are P2P BitTorrent traffic and Backdoor traffic.
The top 3 blocked traffic are P2P BitTorrent traffic and detected Bot traffic.
What is a Bot?
(referencced from Microsoft page "What is a botnet",
Bot is short for robot. The bot is a malicious software that can turn your computer into a robot (also known as a zombie) and awaiting orders from the master bot. When the order is issued, your computer can perform automated tasks over the Internet, without you knowing it.
Criminals typically use bots to infect large numbers of computers. These computers form a network, or a botnet.
Criminals use botnets to send out spam email messages, spread viruses, attack computers and servers, and commit other kinds of crime and fraud. If your computer becomes part of a botnet, your computer might slow down and you might inadvertently be helping criminals.