Copyright - Sean R. Nicholson
What is Social Media Security?
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networks have become an integral part of our lives. These social media networks provide a great way for us and our families and friends to stay connected. However we should be wary about the risks of social media networks when unwanted or personal information about us, our families and friends have been posted and used against us.
Why does it matter to me?
Is there a Policy that I need to be aware?
Recently the Office of Corporate Communications and Marketing has release a SMU’s Social Media Policy. Do take the time to read and understand the policy.
Location to find the policy file
Useful Tips
- Learn to use the privacy and security settings on the social media networks. The settings are there to help you control who sees what you posted.
- Whatever information you posted online always stays online, even if you delete the copy on your social media network page. Always think carefully before posting information or pictures that firstly you wouldn’t want your family, friends or employers to see and secondly that you wouldn't regret posting.
- Be cautious about how much personal information you wish to post on the social media network sites. The more information you post, the easier it may be for perpetrators to use that information to steal your identity, access your accounts or personal information, or commit crimes such as stalking and fraud.
Related Acitivities
- Social Networking Safely Security Awareness Video
- Online Safety Facebook surfing
- Dos and Don'ts when using social networks