1. Click on 'Settings' and then select 'Site contents'.
2. Click on '+ New' button and select 'List'.
3. Enter the name of the list and select 'Create' . Remember to unselect the 'Show in site navigation' if you don't want it to show up in your site navigation bar. You can also choose to import your list from an existing one or from an Excel file.
4. Select your list that you have created. In this example, the 'Example' list will be chosen. By default, there is only one column that is added which is 'Title'. You can choose to add more columns of the data type of your choice.
5. Select 'Add column' to add additional columns that you require.
6. Enter the name of the column then click on 'Save' .
7. Click on '+ New' if you want to add a row of data.
8. Enter data required and click on 'Save'. The Accordion will automatically retrieve the text from the List that you have entered and will display your information in it.