The SMU UserID (or commonly known as SMU Login ID) is an active directory for all SMU faculty, staff, students and affiliates to connect to the University networks and access University IT resources. Each individual account is used for the purposes of user network authentication, and as a single sign-on in order to gain access to SMU IT resources, systems, applications and services (e.g. Email and Intranet etc.)
IITS administers the creation, deletion and management of the Active Directory accounts, the user authentication process and also grants user access to the management and control of the various SMU systems, applications and services.
Terms of Use
Users holding onto an SMU UserID and Account are to take note of the following terms of use:
- Each legitimate SMU user and affiliate will be assigned an SMU Login ID and a default password which he/she must change upon the first login. IITS recommends for all SMU users to use strong passwords and to change their passwords regularly.
- Newly admitted students will be automatically assigned their SMU Student Login ID upon completion of the Students Admissions process.
- All SMU faculty, staff and affiliates will be automatically assigned their SMU Staff Login ID upon activation of the Start-Work-Arrangement (SWA) process.
- IITS would typically create the SMU Login ID to be the same as the user’s email account which is issued together. However, the SMU Login ID is not an email address. It cannot be changed once it is created.
- All SMU Login ID will be deleted immediately upon the faculty / staff leaving SMU, or when students graduate for security reasons.
- Every user is responsible for ensuring that the network activity associated with their SMU Login ID is in accordance with SMU’s Acceptable Use Policy and other relevant policies and guidelines.
Allocated Cost (RCA).